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Minneapolis Events, at the Four Seasons Dance Studio (1637 Hennepin Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55403)


  • Saturday Workshops, October 20



(I) 1:15 to 2:30 -- Author Steps IV -- A dancer’s skill is about musicality and technique, but great steps help too! In this class we will copycat trademark steps of some of the most unforgettable milongueros of Buenos Aires. 


(II) 2:45 to 4:00 -- Vals Combinations -- Some tango movements are specially handy in tango vals when the music asks us to spin and change direction.  We  are going to work on some of these steps and on how to make our vals more “valsy.”

(III) 4:15 to 5:30 -- Musicality Within the Steps -- We will study relatively complex steps and modify them for the rhythms of Pugliese, D’Arienzo, and for vals and milonga.

Maxilonga…. Saturday, October 20 at  9:30pm until 1:00 am

DJ  Maxi Gluzman  (and Great Food!!!)  At Four Seasons Dance Studio ($12, Students $8)



  • Sunday Workshops, October 21


(IV) 1:15 to 2:30 -- Variations on Ochos – Ochos can have different musical and expressive meanings.  In this class, we will add expression to our ochos through studying original combinations of ochos for the leader and follower.

(V) 2:45 to 4:00 -- Musicality in Milonga Traspie – Connect with the music while keeping the rhythmic, energetic pace of the traspie milonga.  Bring some comfortable shoes!


(VI) 4:15 to 5:30 -- Hamacas in Tango and Milonga -- We will go from slow, walk-like hamacas for slow tango to high-paced hamacas for milonga traspie – and everything in between!

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